Accidents are never planned, and emergencies never fit neatly into your schedule. Problems in your mouth won’t go away just because they’re inconvenient. While some pains might be temporary, certain cases will require you see an emergency dentist right away. Here are some common problems that bring people from all around yonge and eglinton to our Emergency Dental Clinic and the steps you need to take next in the hours following. During all dental emergencies, do not chew, eat, or apply muscular pressure until the origin of the pain is found.
Bitten Lip or TongueIf you have bitten your lip or your tongue, make sure to thoroughly rinse your mouth out with water, gently clean the affected area with a sterile cotton cloth, and apply a cold compress to surface to combat swelling. If the blood keeps coming after a half hour, go to the hospital or call us for further instruction.
ToothachesIf you have a toothache, try to remedy the situation by gently flossing the area and gurgling warm salt water in your mouth. You may take an oral pain killer, but do not put any kind of pain killer (aspirin or ibuprofen) directly on the tooth as it can damage tissue. If the pain intensifies, come see us immediately.
Cracked ToothIf you have cracked or broken a tooth, gurgle warm water in your mouth to clean any debris from around the area. Keep swelling minimized with cool pressure and come in to see us immediately. If there is bleeding use some direct pressure with a piece of gauze pad for ten minutes or until the bleeding stops. In some cases you might want to use a temporary tooth cement that can be purchased over the counter.
Knocked Out ToothKnocked a tooth out of place? Come see us immediately. In the interim, rinse the tooth with running water while holding the white crown of the tooth (do not touch the root). Try to place it back in its socket for the duration of your trip. If that’s impossible due to swelling, keep the tooth held in the mouth, or immerse it in milk or saliva. Get to our emergency dentist in yonge and eglinton as soon as possible.
Broken JawBroken your jaw? Apply a cold compress and come to see us as soon as possible.
Our emergency dental best serve the needs of you and your family.