Dental emergencies can happen without warning, as any other health emergency. They are especially dangerous however since they often occur out of the blue, and at an inconvenient time. If you chip your tooth tripping in the dark, or develop a killer toothache before a big trip, it is easy to panic and not know who to call.

Dental emergencies can happen without warning, as any other health emergency. They are especially dangerous however since they often occur out of the blue, and at an inconvenient time. If you chip your tooth tripping in the dark, or develop a killer toothache before a big trip, it is easy to panic and not know who to call. Fortunately, at Pioneer Dental Centre (located at Yonge and Eglinton), we deal with a large variety of dental emergencies, and are committed to providing the best and most complete dental care in Yonge and Eglinton, Toronto.

We are proud to have emergency dental services available to you, as it is our duty and pleasure to alleviate any dental issues you have and keep your smile beautiful. Apart from children and family care, we also specialize in:

  • Full Mouth Restorations
  • Crowns/Porcelain Veneers
  • Dental Implants
  • Periodontal Treatment
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Invisalign

Generally speaking, any dental issue that requires immediate attention to stop bleeding, heal debilitating pain or protect the tooth can be classified as a dental emergency. Some more specific examples include:

  • Teeth that have been knocked out/fallen out
  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Abscess/severe toothache
  • Facial pain (such as a jaw injury)
  • Loose filling
  • Loose or misaligned tooth

Many dental emergencies can be avoided by taking a few precautions. If you play sports or enjoy physically strenuous activities, consider the use of a mouth guard to protect your teeth, tongue, and cheeks. Avoid chewing hard candy, popcorn kernels and ice, as well as ensure you do not have loose crowns or teeth

**Pro tip: When cutting tape, use scissors and not your teeth!

Taking precautions and knowing what to do when emergencies occur will help preserve your teeth and keep your smile beautiful.

For any other dental problems/inquiries please call Pioneer Dental Centre at (416) 488-1776.